
Create your own WinPE

Ever wondered how to create your own WinPE ? I will tell you how..
We are going to create a WinPE cd and add an extra application to it.
It isn't that hard, you just have to remember quite some commandline options

  • Install WAIK Toolkit after you downloaded it from Microsoft
  • Open the Deployment Tools Command Prompt
  • Type
    copype x86 c:\winpe

    copype [x86 | amd64 | ia64] destination
Now you have a \winpe folder containing the files for your WinPE environment. Because of the fact that the WinPE environment is very basic, you will miss some tools in there. Lets add ImageX to our WinPE environment
  • First we have to mount the image (make sure you're using an elevated prompt)
    dism /mount-wim /wimfile:d:\winpe\winpe.wim /index:1 /mountdir:d:\winpe\mount
  • After this copy your ImageX to your winpe\mount\windows folder
  • We're going to use DISM again to unmount the image
    dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:d:\winpe\mount /commit
  • Now copy the .wim file to the \ISO\sources folder. And make sure you call it boot.wim!
    copy winpe.wim d:\winpe\ISO\sources\boot.wim
Let's create the .iso now
  • oscdimg -n -h -betfsboot.com d:\winpe\iso d:\winpe\winpe.iso
You're finished. Lets boot from the .iso and check if your ImageX is there!

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