
Reset User Passwords with ActiveRoles PowerShell

With PowerShell and Quest ActiveRoles it's quite easy to do a bulk reset of user passwords. All you need is a .csv file and a few lines of PowerShell. 

First we will select the users from the AD which' user accounts we are going to reset. I used dsquery to query an OU and save the output to a .csv file.

dsquery user OU=Users,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM  -limit 1000 > users.csv

Note that the default limit is set on 100 records. Use the -limit parameter to bypass this output limit.

Open the .csv file in excel, insert a row above the data and name this column users. 


Now when we have a .csv file containing all user accounts we are going to reset, it's time to write some PowerShell code. Make sure you're using the ActiveRoles console for this.

Connect-QADService -Proxy 

#Read CSV file with usernames
$users = Import-Csv "users.csv"
#New password
$password = "P@ssw0rd01"

foreach($entry in $users) {
    $currentuser = $entry.users
    Set-QADUser -Identity "$currentuser" -UserPassword $password -UserMustChangePassword $true

This script will change the password for every user and it will enforce the users the change their passwords when they login.

Check help for more parameters which can be used 
Get-Help Set-QADUser -full

1 comment:

Bob said...

You sir are a life saver. Works a treat and exactly what I needed.

Don't forget the close } on the loop though! :)