
Powershell: Create Security Groups

Last week I had to create 100+ security groups for a migration. As lazy as I am I chose Powershell for this job. I will show you what I did.

  • First create a .csv file. This file will contain al groupnames you are going to create
  • Now start your favorite Powershell editor. I'm using PowerGUI
  • Now let's start coding:

    # Open CSV with group names
    $printers = Import-Csv "printers.csv"
    #Path with the OU where the groups will be placed
    $printerpath = "OU=Groups,OU=Netherlands,DC=TESTLAB,DC=COM"

    # Create Global Security Groups
    foreach($entry in $printers) {
        $printer = $entry.printers
        New-ADGroup -Name "$printer" -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName "$printer" -Path $printerpath

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